The power of procurement: Discover the concrete benefits of e-procurement

Procurement focuses on ensuring supply at the best possible conditions. This is where digitalisation of the entire process comes in. Optimisation potential can be identified at every single step through e-procurement. 

4 avril 2023 | Blog | Source to Pay

Why e-procurement systems are the future of supply management: With
E-procurement advantages to automated processes and digital solutions

Purchasing and procurement are essential functions in any organisation, regardless of its size or type. The main task of procurement management is to ensure that the right products or services are procured at the right time and on the best possible terms. This is precisely where digitalisation of the entire procurement process comes in, uncovering opportunities for optimisation through e-procurement at every step. In this context, the introduction of these systems is becoming increasingly important.

Efficient processes and cost savings: Which concrete e-procurement benefits support your procurement strategy?

Increased process efficiency

The automation of various process steps leads to a reduction in the time spent on manual activities. Particularly in modules such as procure-to-pay, automated processes can minimise the time spent and free up time for other tasks, which has a positive impact on a company’s business value creation. In addition, e-procurement systems enable the digital networking of buyers and suppliers. Purchasing organisations thus intensify and coordinate supplier relationships by centrally managing all supplier-related data, which makes the entire process efficient.

Time savings

By using e-procurement systems, buyers can save time by placing orders quickly and easily online. Orders are automatically routed to the supplier, reducing processing time and minimising errors. In addition, buyers can place orders around the clock and from any location, further improving the flexibility and efficiency of the procurement process. If fewer resources are spent on managing procurement, lead times are reduced. E-procurement thus enables companies to process orders faster and more efficiently. By automating processes, buyers can also save time in approving purchase orders and invoices. Because e-procurement systems typically have workflows for approving purchase orders and invoices, they can be approved quickly and easily without the need for manual intervention. This can save buyers time and speed up the procurement process.

Cost savings

Manual work can be very costly. By automating procurement processes, companies can lower their costs by reducing the number of manual steps and therefore lowering process costs. In addition, the e-procurement system gives them a complete overview of their suppliers and expenditures. This provides a great foundation for better price comparisons and at the same time fosters the negotiating power of buyers towards their suppliers.

Efficient supply chain management

Better collaboration with suppliers results from the possibility of digital supply chain management. It supports buyers in finding the right supplier for their requirements and strategy. By providing a platform for communication and easy exchange between all parties involved, buyers and suppliers can initiate conversations. Managing suppliers and their data turns into a breeze!

More transparency

An e-procurement suite provides real-time access to procurement data. This presents companies with an overview of the availability of resources, delivery time, and costs, also improving the accuracy and quality of procurement data. Supplier performance, pricing, and order history are tracked, resulting in more efficient data management. This enables buyers to make informed sourcing decisions, streamline the entire process from the ground up, and continually align with strategy.


Increased visibility and access to real-time procurement data allows for improved compliance as well. E-procurement systems ensure that procurement processes follow established procedures and approvals are obtained before purchases are made.

Risk minimisation

Early identification of bottlenecks and shortages is important in procurement so that can react to upcoming risks in time. E-procurement comes into play here and helps to identify supplier risks early, thus ensuring supply at all times.

Competitive advantage

Overall, e-procurement is an important component of a successful procurement strategy. By digitalising and automating procurement processes, companies can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and optimise their supply chains. E-procurement can thus help companies gain a competitive advantage by enabling them to elevate their procurement processes.

E-procurement is a significant component of the digital transformation in procurement and helps companies to make their workflows more efficient, transparent and cost-effective. More and more companies are recognizing the benefits of these solutions and are therefore opting to implement them. So it’s no wonder that e-procurement is playing an increasing role in the business world!

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