7 décembre 2022 | Webinaire | En savoir plus sur Onventis Videos

How to achieve supply chain sustainability with digital supplier management

7 décembre 2022

10h00 - 11h00

Cedric Joch
Head of Presales
Arvid Fredin
Managing Director UK & Nordics

Many organisations want to adopt a more sustainable approach to procurement. However, the subject is so broad and complex that it can feel overwhelming. Especially if your procurement department is not that big to begin with. You may feel that you are struggling to keep up with the day-to-day tasks, so how can you possibly take control of the sustainability topic too?

In this webinar we will walk you through how Onventis see sustainability in procurement, what the major activities are and how any organisation regardless of size, can optimise the work by leveraging smart digital solutions. We will also share some best practices from customers that we have supported in their sustainable procurement journey to provide some battle tested recommendations that we know work in practice.

Don’t miss the webinar and register now.

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